My Life in WordsTips, travel, yoga, mentoring, life, and everything in between.
Anna Maya Kosha - Physical Body. Anna - Food/Matter The outer layer of Pancha Kosha starts with Anna Maya. This is the visible layer which man identifies with most consisting of shape, size, color, tendons, bones, muscles, blood, the 5 senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing, and seeing. It is the controller of cause, consumer, producer, feeding the physicality and a nourishment of earth matter. When we pass on, we don't die. We transfer the vessel in which our soul resides in for a matter of time and when our physical body dies, our soul carries on to another dimension based on the birth and all attributes in conjunction of physical. In Yoga, the general public who practice identify with physical by asana, in order to feel and satisfy. Prana Maya Kosha - Energy Prana - Vital It's the sheath the connects the Annamaya and Manomaya linking between the body and mind, interactive and dependant. It is the vital shell that is full of life. The pranic flows are in the blood, lymphatic and nervous circulation. Breath is a life-principle and is a controllable expression. Through the regulation of the breath (Pranayama) other bodies can be positively influenced. A disturbance in the vital energy may cause illness, and psychosomatic irregularities. People with a special ability in seeing another persons aura can perceive this body with their naked eye. Basically it is the principle of life that distinguishes between living and dead matter. It controls the urge of survival, reproduction, movement, and self expression. Those with strong and egoistic vitals tend to dominate and feel the need to rule the world, where those with weaker vital energy are seen to be followers. However, the strong egoistic vital energy can be foreseen as great obstacle in attaining a more spiritual path. "All that exists in the three heavens rests in the control of Prana. As a mother her children, oh Prana, protect us and give us splendor and wisdom." - Prashna Upanishad 11.13 Mano Maya Kosha - Mind Mano - Mind The mind is comprised of the 5 organs of knowledge (nose, ears, eyes, skin, and tongue), the closest approximate to personhood. The mind is made up of thoughts, collectiveness, diversity, perception, judgement, reasoning, evaluating, comprehending, interpreting of 'I and Mine,' conceiving into thought, will, and/or wish.' The mind is the link between the soul and organs which helps in producing knowledge, pleasure, as well as pain, etc. Remember, the mind is like that of a magnifier, perceiving all enjoyments or pain which are not on a physical level but rather in three dimensions in sanskrit, the subconscious, the conscious, and unconscious. Sankara likens it to clouds that are brought in by the wind and again driven away by the same agency. Similarly, man’s bondage is caused by the mind, and liberation, too, is caused by that alone. 'Yogash chitta vritti nirodhah' - Sutra 1.2 - The cessation of the fluctuation of the mind. Vijnananmaya Kosha - Discernment Vijnana - Intuition Known as the understanding, harmonized mind, knowing, a elevated state of consciousness, and intellect. It has been said it is the capability of understanding the exoteric (refers to knowledge that is outside of, and independent from, a person's experience and is capable of being ascertained by anyone). The body is felt, the mind is experienced but not seen, the soul is neither experienced nor seen. Therefore with practice, particularly in yoga, the awareness in consciousness begins to take place. During the processing of becoming aware and awakened, the will begin to break through chains of actions and reactions, allowing the self to break free. Vijnanamaya gives a person the opportunity to step back and analyze the situation, understanding and accepting a different perspective. This is where insight becomes rather bestowed. Anandamaya Kosha - Bliss Ananda - Bliss Made of pure love. The state of wholeness, of integration with the moment and with yourself, encompasses the inner sheath of anandamaya. This bliss state is usually experienced in fleeting moments, but can remain for longer periods. Importantly, anandamaya is still a sheath, a layer that can be peeled back. When anandamaya is peeled away, we reach atman—our very center. Atman is our direct connection with the divine, with the essence of all that is. It is our pure consciousness. Anandamaya pervades each of the previous outer sheaths, but is only experienced once we are able to peel the illusions of each sheath away to reveal our true nature. Anandamaya can be experienced in those moments when you are wholly immersed in that which you are doing—when you no longer separate yourself from your experience.
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